Wednesday, May 24, 2006

: : conflicting conflicts : :

Conflict... A clash...

Case 1: Miscaluculated about the date for Chicane's concert! Realized that it's on Saturday night, NOT Friday night as we thought earlier... This brings us to a conflict... Should we go to Puerto Galera for our Part II edition? or Chicane? Decisions, decisions! I would love to go to the beach! Of course I would. The Sun, Sea... But it's Chicane... And that means party time... What's a girl to do?
But then, we can always plan for another beach getaway... We can always go to the beach at any time... On the other hand, Chicane doesn't happen all the time... I've never been in any of Chicane's concert before... Clash!


Case 2: When two ideas collide, a state of disharmony occurs... Incompatible persons with opposing ideas? Inevitable conflict surely. Even worse if that person has no idea of what his true interests are... It would be like arguing with a wall.
Conflict of interest they say.
But who's interest is in conflict with who?!?
Is it my interest or yours?!? -Huh?!
Most likely one is protecting one's own. (but of course!) It's a case of saving one's own ass. Isn't it always?
Sadly for me, I'm not much in any position to argue. And it's my ass down the line... That went down the line actually.
But I won't let this affect ME.
So be it.
It will be a struggle that's for sure. But I'm a trooper...

I'm upset.
I'm angry.

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