Saturday, January 21, 2006

: : about a boy : :

About a boy...
Yes, it's always about a boy... The good. The Bad. Good & bad. Bad & good. The handsome ones, & the not so handsome ones... Of varying shapes & sizes & nationality... There will always be a boy...
But there comes a time when a girl meets a certain boy who can make everything else a bit different than the usual encounter... This certain boy who basically tilts the girl's world into a blundering confusion...
Where the girl can't seem to get the boy out of her mind... And she starts thinking about romantic notions that she thought she'd never even consider... At that point in her life... And she really should not do so... For she should know better! Because after all, he is still a boy... And boys will be boys...
She tries to be strong and keep "it" together... She tries with all her might. She tries to convince herself that she can handle it. And sometimes she actually even believes herself... But it's a losing battle. Because her heart has a mind of her own... And has already decided even before her mind could register what it is that was happening... But the mind still refuses to accept the inevitable, & will continue to do so... Thus hurting the girl in the entire stressful process... A dear friend suggested to just take the leap and get hurt, & feel...
But you have to understand that the girl has been through a lot already... And the situation is not exactly the forever picture...
So why take the risk? Too much has been risked already...
But damn... It hurts... It truly does physically hurt deep inside... - says the girl.

I think one can only silently cry inside for so long... And after while, the heart can only take so much and eventually a torrent of tears will eventually spring out from one's tired eyes...
And in that moment, you'd be eternally grateful that you have a dear friend's shoulder to cry on to...

Thank you Paul! Love yah much...

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