Friday, July 09, 2004

happiness... ?

is happiness attainable in one's life?
Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes it as "a state of well-being and contentment" or "a pleasurable or satisfying experience".
but the definition that had the most impact on me, was a description that my professor once mentioned, that happines is a temporary state of mind. very accurate don't yah think?

i believe it IS just a state of mind since once's definition of contentment, pleasure, and joy is relative... and it is only temporary indeed. for what happens once you achieve that state of contentment?

for most of us, the most memorable moment in our lives are usually our very "FIRSTs".... first crush... first date... first boyfriend... first kiss... first love... first car... first award... first...
even our favourite things are based on that first time we experienced them... the first time i tasted an eclair, i couldn't get enough of it! I had it for desert after each meal and snack time for two weeks! But after that, it was enough for me to eat them ocassionally... it's the law of diminishing returns...
But I still consider it as one of my favourite deserts...

we're "happy" once we have achieved our goal... but (normally) it doesn't just stop there... once we have reached that goal, we make new goals and the cycle continues... the search for fulfillment continues... therefore, happiness is redefined...

putting this into perspective...
how can one say that he/she is happy?
and have been saying so for most of their life?
won't that be redundant?
a state of mind that's happening all the time?
something that's overly familiar to one's senses? familiarity breeds contempt they say...
happy all the time...
won't that be BORING?

could it therefore be deduced that boredom is the result of continuos happiness?

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