Saturday, June 19, 2004

:: ranting and raving ::

it's been a while since my last entry...
and that wasn't even really an entry, more like just a copy of an entry from my previous blog... anyway... =)

i'm at work yet again... i'm always at work damnit!
i've been working every single day for the past three weeks... i was supposed to have my long break (finally!) this week, but "unfortunately" a colleague of mine got sick and we had to cover the shift... been doing 16 hours log on the job for most of the days this week... tiring as it is, i'm also fuming about how I have to be here working when i'm not even supposed to be here...

I hate it!!!!! But i'm still here, aint' got a choice about it. Actually I do, although resigning over this is just too fickle and well, i can't afford to not have my job at the moment...


whooosh.... whoosh... whoosh.... whoosh.... whoosh....

I don't even want to dwell on that...
I was able to unwind last night with some good friends... Dinner and a good chit chat was a good thing for me... I NEED A VACATION!!!!

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